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Heritage Page 7
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Page 7
I heard her cries as she surrounded the area I had landed, the cool water lapped on my skin as I surfaced. I just needed time to think, I thought as I ducked down back into the water. There’s no way I can have that at home now these arrangements are happening. I swam deeper and deeper into the ocean as an array of creatures swam around me as I touched the seabed. I scoured the rocks and coral wreaths in search of anything that caught my eye. The colours and textures of the different types of coral and seaweed amazed me, everything in the Ocean had a place and that place was exactly where it wanted to be. The fish swam where they wanted to swim, and the underwater plants were growing in the places where they were able to grow. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a glistening of silver light, I swam towards it, but before I could reach it, I felt the need for air. I had been down in the water for longer than I had realised, I swam towards the surface and emerged two inches in front of Peggy’s mussel.
“Sorry Pegs,” I said breathlessly. “I just need time alone, Go home and rest, I’ll swim back.”
She neighed in disagreement.
“I’ll be fine, scout’s honour,” I saluted and pointed the way to the beach. Peggy was an extremely obedient horse, so she did exactly what I told her. I watched as she passed over the beach, then took a deep breath and let the cool water drag me under. Back under the Ocean I scanned the bed in search of a glint of silver among the ray of multi coloured plants. This is stupid, it was most likely a figment of my imagination. I wanted to see something, find something that would take me mind off today, obviously so much that I was seeing things that weren’t in fact there. Before I had time to come to the conclusion that I was going insane, I saw it. I swam towards the silver light and picked the silver bracelet that had been caught on a sharp rock. Holding it in my hand I made my way towards the surface.
Inches from the surface I felt a tug on my arm, and I was pulled out of the safety of the water and on to the back of a black horse. We landed on the sandy beach before I could wriggle free from the persons hold.
“Get off! What the hell?” I shouted trying desperately to regain my regular breathing pattern.
“A simple thanks would be splendid,” He said. I raised my head so that I could look at him. I knew I recognised his voice, standing in front of me was the boy from the alley way. His dark brown hair was windswept, and he was leaning against his horse, staring at me with a bemused expression.
“Thank you? Thanks for what, pulling me out from the water with so much force you could have taken my arm off?” I hissed straightening myself out.
“You were drowning, I saved you. Geez talk about ungrateful.”
“Saved me? I wasn’t drowning you utter moron,” I bellowed. He shifted against his horse and started laughing, the sound of his laughter sounded too loud and made me shiver.
“Well it looked like you were drowning,” He chuckled and mounted his horse.” Want a ride back to your castle Princess,” Logan asked holding out his hand.
“I think I’ll walk,” I scowled as I walked towards the sandy path leading to the village. I heard the sound of his horse’s hooves as I walked and turned to see him trotting along beside me.
“What do you want?” I breathed as I hadn’t yet recovered from my swim.
“World peace... You're right that would be dull, how about you,” Logan smirked pushing his hand through his hair.
“Right... What do you want with me,” I muttered.
“Obviously not your lack of humour or your dress sense,” He mocked looking at my now soaked clothes and cloak that I hadn’t changed from this morning. I tugged at my cloak and tried to ring the bottom of my pyjamas.
“Now did you want to walk through the village soaked or you can gallop in on my horse?” He asked very politely, which shocked me for a second before I answered.
“Fine! But I’m only taking the offer because I’m getting cold ok!” I frowned.
“Sure Hop on and I won’t try and kill you,” He smirked as he pulled me aboard his horse.
Before I knew it we were entering the castle gates, Logan’s body stiffened as we entered the castle walls. We stopped at the stables, and I was greeted by a moody Peggy. I patted her mane and gave her and Logan’s horse some carrots and walked over to the stable doors where he was standing looking at me.
“What?” I questioned feeling uncomfortable as he continued to look at me.
“You’re not what I imagined,” He smiled.
“Nor are you,” I confessed.
“What were you expecting?” He asked.
“A dick.”
“So my first impression was good then?”
“No, I still think you’re a dick, but I imagined you with longer hair,” I mocked.
“Well I was expecting a well presented and pleasant princess, but I got you, an out spoken brat who doesn’t have any manners.”
“I beg your pardon....” I lunged towards him and was surprised when I saw Josh had stepped in between us.
“Now, Now your majesty’s, no blood shall be shed today,” He calmly suggested that Logan went to see his father as he had wondered when he would arrive, and Logan left the room winking at me before he left.
“Yup definitely a dick,” I muttered as I stormed out of the stables, closely followed by Josh.
“Who cares he will be out of here by tomorrow.”
“Yeah you’re right, I don’t know why I’m stressing.”
“Err question, why are you wet?” He asked trying to hide a smile.
“Oh erm, I went for a swim,” I mumbled slightly embarrassed about the fact that two people had commented on my soaked appearance. I muttered an excuse about getting dry and left him standing in the corridor as I made my way to my bedroom.
In the safety of my own room, I grabbed a towel from my cupboard and went to my bathroom. Looking In the mirror I pulled back my hair off my face. I looked like a right state, no wonder Logan had laughed at me. I turned on my shower and undressed. As I stepped into the shower, the hot water seemed to warm my bones. After washing my hair I stood in the shower for a couple of minutes, not wanting to step out into the cold air.
“Elle? Elle you in here?”
Great I hadn’t locked the door thank god it was Alex and not Josh.
“I’m in the shower, I’ll be out in a minute,” I called to her stepping out of the shower into the dreaded cold air. Wrapping the towel around me, I reached out the door for my dressing gown.
“Sorry the door was open,” she smiled awkwardly going over to sit on the bed.
“Don’t worry about it. Not that, you haven’t done it before,” I mocked sticking my tongue out to her. She returned the expression and rearranged herself so that she was leaning on my pillows at the head of the bed.
“I hear you went for a swim earlier and bumped into our guest of honour,” She chuckled. News travels like the speed of light in this place. Mainly because most people living here are angels, we tend to be faster than most beings. Apparently it’s on account of the fact we have extra wind power. What with the invisible wings and stuff.
“Bumped, no. Was grabbed out of the water whilst swimming, yes,” I muttered picking up the dress Emerald had laid out for me and holding it against myself in the mirror. She was right it was a lovely dress, but I wasn’t going to do it any justice. I sighed and placed it back on its hanger before turning to sit next to Alex.
“So he just randomly dragged you out of the water?” She asked confused, about as confused as I was when it happened.
“Pretty much, yeah! He said he thought I was drowning!”
“He sounds like a dick.”
“Yup he is.” I agreed.
“Is he cute?” She asked.
I shifted awkwardly on my bed, of course I had noticed how he looked. I noticed when I first met him how his eyes were the shade of the night sky. He was more gorgeous than any other demon I had seen.
“So that’s a yes he’s cute then,” She chuckled.
a demon which automatically makes him attractive, so yeah he’s cute,” I confessed, dropping my head into my hands. I still hated him, he had dragged me out of nice swim. Alex chuckled and gave me a back hug. We both jumped as Emerald bombarded into the room, followed by eight servants each holding a bunch of objects. Do I not have any privacy in this place.
“Oh you have showered that’s a start,” She bellowed pulling me off my bed.
“We need to get you dressed. It’s, oh dear it's three o’clock,” She exclaimed glancing at her watch, she ushered Alex out of the room, not giving her chance to say goodbye.
“Emerald...” I tried to reason with her as she ushered me into the bathroom throwing in the dress.
“Get changed please Adabelle.”
Taking my sweet time, I changed into the dress, a perfect fit that’s weird nothing ever fits me perfectly. Exiting the bathroom wearing the totally gorgeous blue satin dress, Emerald took one look at me and nearly burst with compliments and pride at my appearance.
“You look amazing!” She blurted. She pulled me over to my wardrobe mirror, and I saw what she was seeing. I looked alright I suppose, but I did adore the dress. I could see Emerald welling up in the mirror and I turned to face her. She alarmed me by giving me a huge hug then sitting me down in my chair in front of my dressing table.
“The only problem is the hair and the face,” She moaned.
“Cheers Emerald, It’s not like I don’t already have self esteem issues,” I sniffed.
“Sort her out boys,” she chimed and left the room. leaving me with eight people trying to make me look decent.
Chapter Five
So here I am, completely made up with my hair curled, hanging flawlessly and my body looking slim in a gorgeous sky blue satin dress. My face was flawless and made up. The person staring back at me didn’t look like me, it was me yes, but it was different. I looked alright for once, and that freaked me out a little. I looked at the clock, it was five minutes past five. I had missed the odd meeting with the person that I had the note from, but I wasn’t that bothered, if it was urgent it would come up again. I looked at the necklace hanging around my neck and read the words engraved on the back ‘forever in my heart’. I twiddled the silver heart in my hand and remembered the bracelet that I had found in the ocean. Running back into my bathroom, I pulled out the bracelet from my cloak pocket. It was a chained bracelet with a rose charm hanging from it, it was beautiful as I put it on my wrist, it seemed to complete my outfit.
“There you are, come on we will be late,” Emerald bustled into the room like a hurricane and swept her way to my side.
“You look beautiful, just like your mother that was her dress you know.”
I gave her a weak smile. I hated being compared to my mother, all I knew of her was that she was evil and as I was conceived when she had turned dark side, I was now half evil, but I kept that part of me in the unconscious part of my mind.
“Oh dear, she wasn’t always like that you know,” She whispered taking my hand in hers. “She was an amazing woman when she was good, where did you find this?” She questioned, picking up my hand and examining the bracelet sounding alarmed.
“At the bottom of the Ocean, I went swimming today…I,”
“This was your mothers too, she lost it a long time ago,” She interrupted. Dropping her hand from mine she walked towards the door, her long green dress trailing along behind her.
“Let’s Go, he’s waiting for us” She smiled and led me through the hallway, past the portraits of kings been and gone, as we turned towards the Grand hall, where it seemed everyone had begun to gather.
The chain on my wrist felt ten times heavier at the thought that it was my mothers. If my dad saw it he was sure to freak. Why I didn’t take it off, I don’t know Geez I’m so stupid sometimes. As I walked across the Grand hall that was filled with creatures, demons, people and elders rushing to take their seat, I was given a bow by all that I past. I approached the head table and curtsey in front of my father, he looked at me with pride. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Logan crossing the hall with a hooded figure. Logan’s face was emotionless as he stopped in front of me. I had been so transfixed by his face that I hadn’t noticed my father take his place next to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead before stepping towards the hooded man and shaking his hand.
His hood fell back, and he smiled at me, his hazel eyes shone in the brightly lit room. Like Logan, he had dark brunette hair but his was longer and tied up in a ponytail. His black cloak surrounded him like a black hole edged with red ribbon. He stretched out his hand, and my father took it without hesitation.
“Welcome Conrad, It’s good to see you again” My father greeted shaking his hand.
“It’s a pleasure to be here Eric, I and my son here are enjoying the sights,” Conrad chuckled as Logan bowed towards us.
“He has grown into a strapping Lad.” My father shook Logan’s hand.
“Yes he has, he’s going to do big things,” He sneered, which made my skin crawl. “Your Daughter has grown into a fine lady, just like her mother,” He continued, he walked towards me and took my hand and kissed it. I gave him a sweet smile and tried to stop myself from gagging.
“Thank you but like her mother, she has a strong head on her shoulders and will also do big things,” My father stated, and we went to sit in our seats.
I took my place beside my father and unfortunately Logan and scanned the room. Everyone was sat in their seats, and the tables were full, each had a servant standing at the side of each chair. The ceiling was decorated in streams of gold, and red voiles and roses were embroidered on drapes.
“Where is he?” My father mumbled to me.
“Who?” I wondered, scanning the room for someone who wasn’t there.
“Ethan, he’s always late, I have no idea what I’m going to do with that boy,” He sighed.
“Dad he’s properly doing something worthwhile ok. Give the boy a break.”
“ I’d Like to give that boy a break,” he muttered.
“Dad,” I reasoned just as Ethan strolled into the room and took his place beside him breathlessly.
“I’m Sorry I’m late I had a meeting that someone didn’t show up to,” He breathed as he gave me a dirty look. So Ethan was the one who had written me the note, why didn’t he just tell me. I always knew my family was messed up.
“Remind me to give you a watch for your sweet sixteen, I’m tired of you embarrassing me with your tardiness,” He hissed.
“Dad! Leave him alone,” I tried to reason with him while Ethan tried to hide his upset expression. “It’s my fault I was meant to meet him.”
“Don’t make excuses for the boy Adabelle! He needs to own up to his own mistakes.”
“He’s right Elle, I’m a worthless piece of crap I know that,” Ethan cussed.
“We will talk about this later,” My father interrupted.
I turned my head so that I could see Ethan’s face, he gave me a smile, and I sat back up straight. It wasn’t fair how my father treated Ethan, he was only fifteen, but he was old enough to know that my father treated him differently to me. Ethan’s mother died when Ethan was seven, during an invasion of a country house we used to own. Having two women he loved taken away from him hurt my dad a lot, I could tell. After that, my dad seemed to treat Ethan differently, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Don’t worry all of us have our family issues,” Logan whispered as the opening band began to play a soft tune.
“It’s none of your business,” I grunted.
“Just trying to be friendly,” He moaned.
“Well don’t,” I sighed and listened to the band.
As they finished everyone applauded as they took a bow and exited, The room fell silent as my father stood up. Every one’s head turned towards our table and I knew they weren’t looking at me, but I felt a bit awkward and tried not to shift in my seat.
e Friends and Foes,” He greeted, gesturing to each side of the room as he spoke. Each person nodded their head in greeting towards him.
“We are here today to discuss the boundaries and regulations between demons and angels, this will be discussed later between Conrad and I,” He began.
“But before we do, we shall have a feast to show there are no hidden agendas to our choosing of our castle to hold this meeting, so without further delay. Enjoy!” He finished, with a clap of his hands trays of food appeared on the table in front of them, with sounds of awe the room began to fill with conversation and sounds of cutlery banging against plates. It was custom for the royalty not to eat with their people during a special occasion; therefore I had to watch all these people eat with my stomach rumbling.
For what seemed like hours the room was abuzz with sound before my father stood up again.
“Now we shall bid you farewell,” He bowed and left the table followed by Ethan and myself. We exited the Grand hall through a door behind our table, going through the door that I hadn’t known was there, I felt slightly claustrophobic as it led us down a narrow tunnel, as I was at the back I could feel the presence of something behind me. I turned fast with hands out ready to freeze when Logan looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Sorry,” I muttered continuing up the tunnel. He snickered as we turned the corner into a wooden beamed room. I had to duck as we entered the small room that was barely lit. I tripped over something on the floor and felt a hand on me holding me up.